February Roundup

s6300170Although Eco Club is in its quiet season there has been a lot going on around the school. It was great to see that old computers were going on to have a second life. Our network manager had already done everything possible to keep them in service as long as possible, now they have gone to have another life in use in Africa. It was good to see so much pupil involvement in this process. Waste management is a key issue and again it has been great to see the recycling team working hard around the school. We have now collected well over 100 bags of recycled paper since starting and the bins continue to be well used. Over the winter over 120 trees and shrubs have been planted in the school grounds by pupils and staff (100 trees in the new tree nursery) and we have begun to think about what action can be taken with saving energy around the school.  At the moment we are in the middle of the selection procedure for the new Eco Action Team who will drive our work forwards as the year progresses.

We also have lots of schemes and activities coming up. Next weeks theme is Fairtrade and there will be Assemblies and activities to mark this. We also have a Fairtrade and sustainability Enterprise day in March involving  all of Year 8.  This Friday we have our local tree wardens coming in to work with us putting up nearly 30 bird, bug and bat boxes (many of which have been made by pupils). Next week will also mark the start of work in the allotment again. We have received our free potato pack from the British Potato Council and we have bought our early and main crop seed potatoes which we will plant out next Tuesday in Gardening Club.

At the same time this is also a wonderful time of year to sit back and watch the fruits of last years work as bulbs come up and birds feed at the feeder and the trees start producing buds.

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