Tag Archives: Energy Saving

Film Stars!

Just to say thank you to all of you who agreed to be fimed doing your recycling collection and composting. The filming was for an advert for Leicestershire Council showing how they are helping schools achieve Eco School Status. Seems fair since it was Leicestershire who provided us with the recycling and composting bins free of charge!

Tomorrow in Eco Club we will be continuing our quest to become more energy efficient as a school with a survey of energy use.

Save Energy

energy-monitorWe have had saving energy down as a key target for our Eco Action team for several months now but done very little about it. This term seems like the right time to tackle this important issue.

I have to admit that I am not the best energy saver myself and have been put to shame by a number of you! Because today is the first day of 2009 I have made a personal New Years resolution to save as much energy as possible without affecting quality of life. Over the next year I will  be doing a series of entries to let you know how I’m getting on so you can see if you can beat my energy saving attempts.

My efforts have begun with the purchase of an energy monitor to see how much electricity I’m using and the purchase of some energy saving bulbs, I’ll let you know how I get on.

In school we are hoping to go through a similar process, obviously we are lucky to have a well insulated new building crammed full of energy saving features, but that does not mean we can’t do better still! We have already identified lights and computers being left on as an area to save on already. Again there will be much more on this to follow.