Tag Archives: Green Flag Award

Green Flag

Eco Schools Green Flag

Eco Schools Green Flag

Well at last we have our Green Flag on display. The Green Flag symbolises a lot of hard work by a lot of people to make our school a more sustainable place. It is of course only the start of the journey with lots of new challenges and projects ahead. We can only take inspiration from Water Leys Primary school (one of our feeder schools) who became one of a handful of schools to be awarded their fourth flag and had their celebration Assembly last week. Congratulations to them.

Our First Green Flag!

Our First Green Flag!

Today 38 of us went outside, some to work on the allotment, some to do composting and some to look at the site for the proposed meadow and outdoor classrooms. Before that we took our newly awarded Green Flag out to take a photo and here it is! All we need now is a flagpole.


Green Flag

Eco Schools Logo

We have just heard that we have been awarded our Green Flag! More to follow…

Spring Update

Things have been so busy there has been little time to update this blog! Two weeks ago we went out to our new allotment and planted some seeds many of which are now sprouting. Last week we had a visit from our local MP Edward Garnier who came to formally present year 7 with their free OS maps and see our pupil voice activities, including the Eco Action Team. Thanks must go to Lily, Grace, Thomas and Charlie for their excellent presentation. Mr. Garnier said he would be keen to return in the future to see the progress we have made. On Tuesday The ASDAN award groups started their work on the allotment with one group building a raised herb bed and the other starting to dig in the manure to the beds. Tough work and oh I noticed they managed to tidy the shed as well!

It is now less than two weeks before we have our Eco Schools Green Flag inspection. We are all very excited and have begun to make preparations for the day.

We also have lots of new projects planned. The watering system for the allotment has now arrived and has been handed over to ICT as part of their studies into control systems. In year 9 a Design and Technology personalised learning module will design and build bird and bat boxes for the school grounds. We are also expecting the pond to be planted out any week now and have further plans to create our own wildflower meadow in the school grounds. In the Autmn we hope to create a small tree nursery working with the Earth Restoration Service but more on that later.

Bushloe Forest

We planted three more trees today in Eco Club, our school grounds will end up as Bushloe Forest if we keep this up! These trees were three Birch trees and they came from Brocks Hill Environment Park tree nursery. We are now looking forward to our free pack of Woodland Trust hedgerow plants due next week, they will go in alongside the pond (with a bit of help from Eco Club of course). We are now ready to apply for our first Green Flag award today. Following a meeting of the Eco Action Team we are sending our application in on Monday. This will mark the first staging post in a jouney that has taken two years so far. The Action Team will be meeting again next Wednesday when we will be joined by Penny from Leicestershire Council and Mrs. Gilroy representing the Governors. We will discuss waste management education with Penny as well as spending some time on the new Action Plan.