Tag Archives: trees

Tree Nursery

planting trees

Today we planted 100 trees! Members of year 6 paired up to plant the trees during their registration and lunch times. The idea is that the trees will grow in the nursery for the next few seasons before being transplanted and used in a restoration project in the Midlands where trees are needed.  The whole project has been made possible and is being carried out in association with the Earth Restoration Service. Thanks must also go to all the staff who helped with the planting today. Trees planted included Oak, Rowan, Ash and Willow. We look forward to seeing these trees come into leaf in the spring.

Tree Nursery

Tree Nursery

The finishing touches are just being made to the raised beds that will form the tree nursery which is being developed with support from the Earth Resoration Service. Pictures and more details will follow soon.

Bushloe Forest

We planted three more trees today in Eco Club, our school grounds will end up as Bushloe Forest if we keep this up! These trees were three Birch trees and they came from Brocks Hill Environment Park tree nursery. We are now looking forward to our free pack of Woodland Trust hedgerow plants due next week, they will go in alongside the pond (with a bit of help from Eco Club of course). We are now ready to apply for our first Green Flag award today. Following a meeting of the Eco Action Team we are sending our application in on Monday. This will mark the first staging post in a jouney that has taken two years so far. The Action Team will be meeting again next Wednesday when we will be joined by Penny from Leicestershire Council and Mrs. Gilroy representing the Governors. We will discuss waste management education with Penny as well as spending some time on the new Action Plan.

Trees, trees and more trees

The tree planting season will soon be over but there is still time left. This week we have had an offer of more free trees from the woodland trust. The trust offer all schools the choice of either hedgerow trees or young saplings plus a seedling pack. We have chosen the hedgerow, details here. Also Over Christmas five Oak saplings were generously given to be planted in the school grounds and will be rather special. Finally we have had a further offer today from Oadby and Wigston and the tree Wardens of some more trees. We had better get our spades ready! This Friday the focus of Eco Club will be the school energy survey. We need lots of volunteers to assess the energy efficiency of our new building.

Tree Planting

Planting trees

Today we planted trees during Eco Club. The trees were provided by the Leicestershire free tree scheme and helping us plant were our two local tree wardens and Sam and Andy from Leicestershire Stepping Stones Project. We had great fun digging the holes on Thursday with parents pupils and staff working together to get the job done. Today the trees went in without a hitch and we can look forward to seeing them grow over the coming years.

The trees have been planted to provide the pond with shade and a new habitat for plants and animals. It will need lots of care, so we will get a watering team together next week.

learning how to plant

The tree is planted

The article in the Mercury about this event is here.


Leicestershire run a free tree scheme and later this week we will benefit from it. On Friday we see the arrival of 6 new trees. These will be planted to the southern side of the pond where they will provide shelter and shade as well as a new habitat in their own right. On Thursday after school we will be digging the holes and the planting is scheduled to take place during Friday lunchtime. We still need pupil, parent and teacher volunteers so its not too late to get involved. More on this on Friday.